Special K Diet & Benefits Of Eating Breakfast In The Morning

Kelloggs have released a video targeting women, encouraging people to start eating breakfast and lose weight in the process, they have provided recipie, diet plans and ideas on theirĀ website which are cutomisable to your individual needs once you’ve made an account.


There are many benefits to eating breakfast, people who eat whole grain cerials are less likely to have blood sugar problems, reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes, reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. Having something in the morning help stabalise the blood sugar level and helps start your metabolism.

To encourage those who often skip breakfast there have been developments for people often in a rush to get out of the house and having a limited amount of time to eat in the morning. Cerial bars and more recently breakfast biscuits have appeared in supermarkets alongside traditional cerials, breakfast buiscuits are recomended to be eaten with fruit and a dairy product to help fulfill nutritional needs.


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