‘Watch Dogs’ Available For Pre-Order On PS3 Xbox 360 & Wii U – November 19th

One of the most anticipated games announced for the PlayStation 4 is also coming to all the current High Definition consoles, Watch Dogs is available for pre-order on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PC. There is no news Continue reading ‘Watch Dogs’ Available For Pre-Order On PS3 Xbox 360 & Wii U – November 19th

Autonomous Car Developed Within Oxford University Could Be On The Road As An Affordable Option

Oxford university has unveield a newly developed system, taking an alternative approach to the autonomous car which has so far been lead by Google primarily using GPS guidance along with other technologies. The new technology uses lazers and cameras which Continue reading Autonomous Car Developed Within Oxford University Could Be On The Road As An Affordable Option

Alicia Keys Is Blackberry Creative Director – Tweets On iPhone

RIM (Research In Motion) had annouced that Alicia Keys would be taking up the possition of Creative Director. The benefits of bringing Keys in as Creative Director are clearly more of a publicity stunt to generate interest in the company Continue reading Alicia Keys Is Blackberry Creative Director – Tweets On iPhone