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Nexus 5 Goes Official And Priced With Availablility!
One of the most anticipated phones of the year has finally arrived, the Nexus 5. It is now available on the Google Play Store from £299 for the 16GB version. Like last years Nexus 4 it has the latest Qualcomm Continue reading Nexus 5 Goes Official And Priced With Availablility!
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New £10 Note Controversy On Twitter
Over the past week people have made outragous comments on the popular social network ‘Twitter’ toward Carloine Criado-Perez, who had been campaining to get more female faces on British currency, in addition to the Queen who graces every note and Continue reading New £10 Note Controversy On Twitter
Plus Pool – Filtering River Water For Public Swimming
Plus Pool is a crowd funded project which started on Kickstarter. The goal is to allow the people of New York to swim in the river water by filtering a small section making it clean and safe. As a crowd Continue reading Plus Pool – Filtering River Water For Public Swimming
Your Body Is 90% Bacteria
An article in The New York Times has brought forward some of the on going research into our digestive system and how our bodies interact with bacteria. For every human cell there are 10 resident microbes, they are on your skin, Continue reading Your Body Is 90% Bacteria
EA Forced To Drop Online Pass Due To Negative Impact On Used Games Sales
EA (Electronic Arts) is dicontinuing it’s controversal program that hindered the re-sale of games. Some of the most populla games such as Battlefield 3, Dead Space and Madden NFL required an online pass to unlock access to important online features Continue reading EA Forced To Drop Online Pass Due To Negative Impact On Used Games Sales